To operate a wireless system legally, filing an application with the FCC may be necessary. The filing process can be confusing, difficult and time consuming. KNS will navigate the myriad of requirements for you. Further, we will coordinate with our engineering team to make sure the equipment, the solution and the licenses are in alignment.
We provide the following services in regard to filing with the FCC:
- Construction Notifications
- Special Temporary Authority (STA)
- Antenna Structure Registration (ASR)
- Special Pleadings, Requests for Reconsideration
- FCC License Audits and Evaluations
FAA Filings and Obstruction Evaluations
The FCC will not grant an authorization if the location where you plan to put your antenna does not pass FAA slope guidelines. The FAA requires an OE (Obstruction Evaluation) when flight patterns might be affected. KNS can tell you if your antenna mounting structure requires an FAA filing.
As a general rule of thumb, these are the categories which require evaluations:
- Any structure of 200 feet or taller will always require an evaluation
- Any structure or tower within 20,000 feet of an airport runway may require an evaluation
- Certain frequencies may also trigger an evaluation

Industry Canada
KNS is able to work with Canadian customers to get their licenses, as required for their systems, filed with Industry Canada.