Optimal network performance requires periodic maintenance. KNS can maintain and ensure your network performance for your existing or new networks. Planned maintenance by our team of technicians and RF engineers can proactively identify and repair problems, fine-tune performance, and update software versions to reduce down time and performance challenges.
Our Managed Services Include:
- Maintenance Agreements (SLAs, time and material repair and maintenance, Preventive maintenance)
- Remote monitoring and maintenance of your network
- Regular preventive maintenance and optimization
- Budgeted and Planned Managed Services Agreements

Equipment We Manage
Broadband Wireless: Mesh Radios, LTE, WiMax
Microwave: Point to Point, Point to Multipoint
SCADA and Telemetry: MAS (Multiple Address Systems)
Land Mobile Voice: Mobiles, Portables, Repeaters, Voting Receivers, Bidirectional Amplifiers

Once your wireless network is installed, periodic maintenance is critical for continuous optimal performance. Even if KNS did not install your network, we can maintain and ensure its performance.
Our Managed Services Include:
- Maintenance Agreements
- Service level
- Time and material repair and maintenance
- Preventive maintenance
- Remote monitoring and maintenance of your network
- Regular preventive maintenance and optimization
- Budgeted and Planned Managed Services Agreements

Equipment We Serve
Broadband Wireless
- Mesh Radios
- WiMax
- Point to Point
- Point to Multipoint
SCADA and Telemetry
- MAS (Multiple Address Systems)
Land Mobile Voice
- Mobiles
- Portables
- Repeaters
- Voting Receivers
- Bidirectional Amplifiers